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GOV.UK One Login

GOV.UK One Login is the way for government services to:

  • sign in their users
  • prove their users’ identity

This technical documentation gives you information on how to:

  • plan the functionality your service needs
  • register your service with GOV.UK One Login
  • integrate with GOV.UK One Login to authenticate users and prove their identity
  • configure your service for production

You can read further documentation about how GOV.UK One Login works.

Contact us if you have any questions on our #govuk-one-login Slack channel.

Documentation updates

These are the most recent changes to this documentation.

Publication date Update
Sep 6 2024 Updates guidance “Use the production discovery endpoint” to add the production discovery endpoint.
Aug 21 2024 Updates guidance “Configure your service for production” to add information about how to configure your service for production.
Aug 20 2024 Updates guidance “Receive response for ‘Retrieve user information’” to add a table explaining more about the response from the /userinfo endpoint.
Jul 29 2024 Updates guidance “Error handling for ‘Make a request to the /authorize endpoint” to update we now return HTTP 400 Bad Request errors for requests with incorrect parameters.
Jul 18 2024 New guidance “Validate the core identity claim JWT using a public key”. Contains information about validating the core identity claim JWT using a public key, which GOV.UK One Login publishes in its Decentralized Identifier (DID) documents.
Jul 9 2024 Removes the claim
Jul 4 2024 New guidance “Integrating third-party platforms with GOV.UK One Login” which contains information about integrating with GOV.UK One Login using a third-party platform, and contains details about the client_secret_post token authentication method.
Jun 21 2024 Updates guidance “Error handling for ‘Make a request to the /authorize endpoint” to clarify the {"message": "Internal server error"}HTTP 502 Bad gateway error.
Jun 18 2024 Includes example data to help with building mocks: Access example data.
May 22 2024 New guidance Using the integration environment for end-to-end testing to explain how to use the integration environment for end-to-end testing.
May 17 2024 New guidance Build mocks to work with GOV.UK One Login to explain how to build mocks as a part of testing your service.
May 2 2024 New guidance Managing your users’ sessions to explain how to manage your users’ sessions and how to build a logout mechanism for your users.
Apr 9 2024 Updates the technical flow diagram to document the use of the /logout endpoint.
Apr 3 2024 New guidance Understand your user’s return code claim which gives information about any issues with the evidence your user provided to prove their identity.
Mar 25 2024 Removes references to the refresh token and offline_access to simplify integration and the technical flow.
Feb 14 2024 New guidance Choose your sector identifier to explain the use of the sector identifier with a worked example that shows the effect of choosing different sector identifiers.
Dec 22 2023 Updates guidance on making a request to the /authorize endpoint.
Dec 21 2023 New guidance Secure your authorisation request parameters with JWT using a JWT-secured OAuth 2.0 authorisation request (JAR) to improve the security of your integration and protect against tampering.
Oct 31 2023 New guidance Before you integrate with GOV.UK One Login.
This page was last reviewed on 3 April 2023.